
  • Nitrogen (N)30%


  • Tank wagon

Biztonsági adatlapok és termékspecifikációk

General features

Nitrosol is a factory-produced urea ammonium nitrate solution (UAN) with a density of 1.3 g/cm3 (NITROSOL 30% N).

All members of the product line also contain nitrogen in the form of amide, nitrate and ammonium, which are also effective through the leaves.

Our sulphurous NITROSOL is also available to add nitrogen and sulphur at the same time. Suitable for basal and starter fertilisation, and top dressing. It does not drain out. It is also excellent as an irrigation fertiliser. Also available with zinc, copper, boron and magnesium supplementation!

Advantages of the product

Uniform dispersion, homogeneous active ingredient distribution, evenly growing crops. It requires less thorough irrigation to take effect. It also exerts its effect via leaves and soil. Its use as a foliar fertiliser in wheat improves quality.

Oily plants (rapeseed, sunflower), cereals, maize


  • Recommended use

    A field spreader with a nitrosol nozzle is required. Do not apply in the early morning or during the midday heat. Its use is recommended after 6 pm, in cloudy and calm weather. The addition of a wetting agent is prohibited. It can be mixed with most herbicides and stem hardeners, but a mixing test is always required.

    Products containing sulphur are mainly recommended for fertilising oilseed crops or for sulphur-deficient crops. For cereals and rapeseed, a dose of 300-400 kg/ha can be applied without dilution until the end of tillering (late winter, early spring).

    At the start of stalk growth (cereals and rapeseed), the recommended dose is 100-150 kg/ha with 1:1 dilution. In mid-April, 80-150 kg/ha may be applied with a dilution of 2-3:1, depending on heat and light conditions.

    Temporary scorching of 2-3 mm may occur in cereals, however, this is outgrown by the crop in approx., one week, after which the crop becomes greener and more developed.

    For maize and sunflower, it may only be applied as a basal dressing fertiliser or with a nutrient cultivator at a dose that meets the current nitrogen requirements of the crop. The operating pressure of the spreader must be reduced to 1.5-2.0 bar.